Name: Brittany North 
Year: Sophomore 
Major: Political Science 
What I like about fashion:
That it shows individuality. I usually wear black jeans, combat boots, and a cute sweater. They are always my go to item! 

Name: Brittany North
Major: Political Science
Year: Freshman
What do I like about fashion?
That it expresses individuality. I love to wear black jeans, combat boots, and a cute comfy sweater! 

Fashion is all about taking risks. Brittany is one girl who loves to take risks! from her shear white shirt- to her bright printed pant, she knows how to make a statement! 
Major: Criminal Justice/ Psychology and Arabic Minor
Year: Freshman
What I like about fashion:
I love fashion because it's expressing yourself without talking. What you put on can tell your mood, attitude, and show personality.

I noticed Antonia from her spunky personality and her chic pants! She rocked the trend of an elaborated pant and a tucked in button up top!  Her gold sandals and necklace made the outfit come together!  xoxox
Major: Business Finance 
Year: Sophomore
Why do you like fashion?
I like that fashion is different for everyone. They can express themselves however they want through their choice of style. 

What I liked about Wanda-
When i saw her long boho skit, I immediately had to talk to her. Her boho inspired look is effortless and flirty. I love how she has her own since of style and she owns it! 
Major: Studio Art
Year: Sophomore 
What I like about fashion: It expresses your personality and confidence. I love how you can dress how you feel. 

I noticed Clara because the print of her skirt. I love her boho style and the confidence that she exuded! She isn't scared to mix and match prints and she likes having her own flair! 

Name: Mari Kiyota

Major: English literature

Style: Classic with a twist; fit and flare, 1940s-1960s style, overall femininity is key

Why I love fashion: It's a way to express yourself without speaking. Fashion makes a point when you enter the room, and depicts who you are through how you style yourself.

What she wore in the photo - Forever 21 dress, Pierre Dumas flats, Longchamp bag